Red Cross Mobile Unit team organized a vaccination campaign and student's health check in Faros Shelter for unaccompanied minors on the 29th of September in order to enroll children to the liceum.

The student health card (adym in Greek) is a legal annual document, mandatory for all students when they register in Greek schools. During this procedure, a yes/no questionaire needs to be filled in order to detect any signs of cardio-pulmonary diseases(mostly but only). After that a full clinical examination needs to be performed in all the systems.
In the front page the doctor who performs the examination declares whether the student is fit to participate in all physical activities or there are restrictions, or the student needs further medical checks. Plus, possible pre-existing conditions of the student are recorded with the instructions, for the school to be prepared if anything arises.
In addition to the student's health check, 12 children between 15 and 17 years old were vaccinated with a first dose againts MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella).
Children were vaccinated as they missed one or both doses of MMR vaccine when they were younger or because their unknown vaccination state. A 2nd dose of MMR will be provided by RC Mobile Unit in the HRC Shelter.
It is especially important for teenagers going for college to be up-to-date with the MMR vaccine as they are at higher risk of mumps.

        Vaccination campaign and student's health check in Faros Shelter by Red Cross Mobile Unit


  1. Prof Prem raj Pushpakaran writes --- 2019 marks the 100 years of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies!!!


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